Saturday 17 June 2017

Who said it would be easy?

So you wake up in the morning, your feet stomp the ground, you are energetic and wanna change the world. You are thinking, 'today is my day, amma show them what am made of'. You are focused on challenging the challenges and looking out for more, much much more...

Then reality hits you: UMEME is off and you neglected your friend's advise of ironing before going to bed , your landlady hits your door, your rolex guy is not by his usual place; outside the gate to offer you breakfast, your boda guy aint anywhere to be seen so you have to trek some 500m to grab one randomly. Well, you still wont loose it, after all you are full of positive energy.

You make it to work a couple of minutes late and you are set for a brand new day: client calls, mails all the BS,  the yelling and screaming... Talk about the bosses, damn. Well it kinda gets worse by the day that you start wondering whether the world is full of negative energy ready to swallow you up.

Fast forward day in, day out, year in year out and before you know it, its five- ten years down the road and you are still dreaming of changing the world.

Well, tell you what brother, the guys who changed the world had the same life, the same huddles same opportunities and same responsibilities. To some its families that supported them and others, families were at stake or worse still lost. A little endurance, a little focus a little extra work just kept them going. Indeed nobody said it would be easy. Even the shortcuts in life have the most risks.

Its your time baby, its your showtime. Its now or never, if you think you will ever do it, then do it now or forever hold your peace.

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